How to Create a Successful Blog

Many people use a blog just for personal enjoyment. Eg as a place to vent, write complaints or experiences. Or it could be to share information, write down important information for many people who can know it. As a writing exercise can too. Another aim, blogs can also be used for a place to store your important records.

This post, I share 8 things you need to consider for your blog in a spectacular success.

This way you may have often encountered. But, do not always commented stale. Try one by one, you will undoubtedly be surprised to see the visitors of your blog is much more crowded than you think. If it were so, would select the blog that any source of income, would be easier to make it happen.

1. Select the appropriate topic. Once I said, working in the field of a loved one makes it easier to succeed. When creating a blog, this also must be taken into consideration. Do not force yourself in the field of A if you like the field B. Working in the field that you like would make you more spirit. If you are confused about what to choose a blog topic? Easy! The solution can be found on how to choose an interesting blog topic like a magnet. 
2. Specify the URL that is consistent. In a blog, the URL you have to be consistent. That is, do not digonta change. Once you change your blog's URL, then you have to work hard popularized it back. Blog that has begun familiar with search engines, will just disappear. Likewise connections you have built so far. Therefore, the URL is very important. In determining the URL, you should select a name that is easy to remember. Another principle, can be read here.

3.  Increase the technical skills. Once you have a blog, do not forget to increase your skills to manage a blog. Many things can be learned like about SEO, HTML, and others. And probably never-ending. But the point is, once you learn, live practice. Let your knowledge be attached and helpful. With more and master the technical terms, your blog will definitely unique and far more interesting.  


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